12 January 2006

some is adl

adl = some (Lhaesine pronunciation = AHDL) (some things Google found for "adl": a common term; ADL is Anti-Defamation League; ADL is Advanced Distributed Learning; ADL is Arthur D. Little, management consulting; ADL is Alexandria Digital Library at University of California; ADL is Assertion Definition Language or Ada Development Language in computing; ADL is Activities of daily living; ADL is the IATA airport code for Adelaide, Australia; Adl is an Arabic term roughly meaning "justice"; means "many, most" in Turkish; means "disease, illness" in Old English; means "candour, equity, fairness" in Urdu (Transliterated))

This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "some" is now "odal". This posting is no longer current.

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