20 January 2006

now is weran

weran = now (Lhaesine pronunciation = WEH-rahn) (some things Google found for "weran": an uncommon term; Weran, otherwise known at "the rat king", is a character from Strife computer game; WERAN is West Europe Regional Action Network of Amnesty International; name on ancient Nubian clay funerary cones; WERAN project in Sweden is Women's Enterprises Relations (in business) Achievements and Networking; WERAN is women in engineering program advocate network; a last name, might be English; a user name; Weran: Roman book by Lales Qaso, a Kurd, I think; misspelling of "we ran"; means "be worn out" in Mapudungun, a language spoken in central Chile and west central Argentina by the Mapuche people)

This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "now" is now "weran". This posting is no longer current.

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