halsa = shoe (Lhaesine pronunciation = HAHL-suh) (some things Google found for "halsa": an uncommon to common term; Halsa is a village on the coast of Norway, near Kristiansund, site of memorial scree over the body of famous killer whale Keiko; HALSA is HIV & AIDS Legal Services Alliance, Inc. in Los Angeles; HALSA is Hispanic American Law Students Association; HALSA is the Holiday Association of Lytham & St. Annes, in Lancashire, U.K.; Hälsa Hem School of Massage in Illinois; Halsa Servicios, cleaning company in Northern Basque Spain; Halsa Foods is a takeaway in Glasgow, Scotland, featuring healthy foods; The Halsa System for Optimum Fitness; Vintage Swiss Halsa Parechoc Mens Wristwatch; means "tack, take a swig, wear" in Swedish; "hälsa" means "health, greet, salute" in Swedish; also places or geographic features in Bangladesh, Iceland, and Israel)
Small modification because of the way I form Lhaesine plurals. Previous word for shoes was "halsar", now it will be "halsur".
This word has been revised again. The Lhaesine word for "shoe" is now "halas", which would make "shoes" be "halasur". This posting is no longer current.
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