arda = light (Lhaesine pronunciation = AHR-duh) (some things Google found for "arda": a common term; to J.R.R. Tolkien, and many Lord of the Rings fans, Arda is elvish for world, it's the middle-earth setting; ARDA is American Resort Development Association; ARDA is American Religion Data Archive; ARDA is The American Rescue Dog Association; ARDA is Alliance for Reform and Democracy in Asia; ARDA is La Asociación de Reducción de Daños de la Argentina; ARDA is Agricultural and Rural Development Act in Canada; ARDA is Advanced Research and Development Agency; Arda of Armenia was the wife of King Baldwin I of Jerusalem around 1100 A.D.; a last name; a first name; Arda River in Bulgaria; when I conjured up this word - which is close to the word for day - I vaguely remembered the Tolkien connection. My meaning for this word is one that I hope Tolkien fans would approve of)
This word has been revised. The current word for "light" is "ard". This posting is now longer current.
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