04 November 2005

beer is foly

foly = beer (Lhaesine pronuciation = FOE-lee) (some things Google found for "foly": an unusual term; band Beta Foly creates new African music; stage name of French modern swing musician Liane Foly; a spanish first name; Foly! is the title of CD by Habib Koite & Bamada of the African country of Mali; Jali Foly Festival in Paris in 2004 of black culture; a French Last name; Foly surname reached England following the Norman Conquest of 1066, name comes from Old English fall, which indicates someone living near a waterfall or meadow, or from the area of Falaise, Normandy; user names; Défi Foly is Foly Challenge in Quebec and France, ski down slope and cross lake; inspired by words "holy" and "folly")

This word has been revised. The word for "beer" is now "folin". This posting is no longer current.

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