luce = three (Lhaesine pronunciation = LYOOK) (adjective, noun) (number) (some things Google found for "luce": a very common term; a last name, notably American publisher Henry Luce (1898-1967) (pronounced "loose") and his wife Clare Boothe Luce (1903-1987) who was an American playwright, politician, and celebrity; a county in Michigan; a first name, notably French feminist psychoanalyst and philosopher Luce Irigaray; LUCE is an alternative rock band; Pizza Lucé in Minnesota; Luce Forward is a California law firm; La Luce is an Italian restaurant in Chicago; Luce is a Ristorante & Bar in Charlotte; means "light, opening" in Italian)
In Lhaesine the letter "c" is always a "hard c" or "k" sound.
This word has been revised again. The new word for "three" is "leuc". This posting is no longer current.
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