aet = of (Lhaesine pronunciation = AWT) (preposition) (some things Google found for "aet": a very common term; AET is the NYSE stock symbol for Aetna Inc.; AET Films is a supplier of polypropylene (OPP) film; AET stands for Alliance for Environmental Technology; AET stands for Association of Educational Therapists; AET (American Educational Trust) Book Club has books on the Middle East; AET is Association for European Transport; AET is a Atlantic Basin tanker shipping company; AET is Advanced Extraction Technologies, Inc.; AET is Azienda Elettrica Ticinese of Switzerland; AET is Advanced Engine Technology Ltd. of Canada; AET is Australian Executor Trustees; AET is the acronym many more companies and groups; means "gone, left" in Breton)
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "of" is now "ae". This posting is no longer current.
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