isa = moon (Lhaesine pronunciation = IH-suh) (noun) (some things Google found for "isa": a very common term; ISA stands for the Instrument Society of America; ISA is International Society of Arboriculture; Microsoft ISA Server, where ISA stands for Internet Security and Acceleration; in computing ISA stands for Integrated Systems Architecture or Industry Standard Architecture; ISA stands for International Studies Association; ISA is International Sign Association; ISA stands for International Society of Appraisers; ISA stands for Invest in Sweden Agency; ISA is Independent Softball Association; ISA stands for Industrial Supply Association; ISA is International Society of Arachnology; ISA stands for International Surfing Association; ISA is International Sociological Association; ISA stands for International Stuttering Association; Isa Restaurant in San Francisco; ISA is Integrated Systems Analysts Inc.; ISA stands for Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Society; a name that signifies or is derived from "God is my oath"; an uncommon feminine first name; a common Arab masculine name which translates to Joshua or Jesus in English; means "one" in Malagasy and Tagalog; means "congeal, ice" in Swedish; places in Korea, Bahrain, Russian Federation, Japan, Pakistan, Nigeria, and Turkey; place Mount Isa in Queensland Australia)
My previous word for "moon" was "isra".
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