Lhaesine is a conlang, an artificial or constructed language. This is a project to invent a lexicon of new "words" in an imaginary language. Postings shows English to Lhaesine, my approximate Lhaesine word pronunciation, and what Google search found for my made-up word.
31 July 2006
boat is cohal (revisited)
cohal = boat (Lhaesine pronunciation = CAW-hahl) (noun) (some things Google found for "cohal": an uncommon term; Autoadhesivos Cohul S.A. of Spain manufactures tape, labels, and packaging products; a last name from Romania; user names; COHAL is a line of sofas in Japan; "Samarqand cohal" is a historic water channel in Pakistan; COHal refers to a chemical compound where Hal is a halide; Cohal Fortress-Rupea is 12th century fortess in Romania; Mayan flint artifact of Cohal chert from Belize)
30 July 2006
island is oscim (redone)
oscim = island (OH-skim) (noun) (some things Google found for "oscim": a rare term; a honey based cough syrup from India; a user name; oscim is a SDE solver for coupled quantum modes simulation code tool used by a UK research physicist; seems to mean something in Italian; appears on the library of Babel; on "Suck on this, spam bots!")
29 July 2006
isle is osce
osce = isle (OHSK) (noun) (some things Google found for "osce": a common term; OSCE stands for Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe; OSCE stands for Objective Structured Clinical Examination)
28 July 2006
magic is tasraen
tasraen = magic (Lhaesine pronunciation = TAH-srawn) (noun) (some things Google found for "tasraen": an unique term; no web pages were found on Google search, there were no matches on any documents, not even on gobbledygook pages)
I intend "tasraen" to be a positive term for magic, to be used for beneficial and white magic.
I intend "tasraen" to be a positive term for magic, to be used for beneficial and white magic.
27 July 2006
wagon is polas
polas = wagon (Lhaesine pronunciation = PAW-lahce) (noun) (some things Google found for "polas": an uncommon term; POLAS video studio of Prague; user names; a last name, may be Finnish; POLAS stands for Police Information System, a German computer search system; Polas is a beach in Foz, Galicia, Spain; seems to mean something like "photos" in Spain; a place in northeast Turkey also called Konakoran and Bolas)
26 July 2006
circle is suwisa
suwisa = circle (Lhaesine pronunciation = suh-WI-suh) (noun) (some things Google found for "suwisa": an uncommon to rare term; a feminine first name from Thailand; user names)
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "circle" is now "suval". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "circle" is now "suval". This posting is no longer current.
25 July 2006
cloak is baoca
baoca = cloak (Lhaesine pronunciation = BOUGH-kuh) (noun) (some things Google found for "baoca": an uncommon term; to a computer operator in India "baOca" is the term for "batch", means something in Hindi or Urdu; a Chinese last name, notably of a tortured Falun Gong practitioner; user name; appears on The Library of Babel)
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "cloak" is now "bocore". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "cloak" is now "bocore". This posting is no longer current.
24 July 2006
soap is ledoin
ledoin = soap (Lhaesine pronunciation = LEH-doyn) (noun) (some things Google found for "ledoin": a rare term; a last name that is almost certainly French, notably secondary character Fanny Ledoin on episodes of French TV series "Mademoiselle Joubert"; appears on the Library of Babel)
23 July 2006
honey is gesira
gesira = honey (GEH-sih-ruh) (noun) (some things Google found for "gesira": a rare term; a place in Somalia, also called Jasiira; Gesira province and region in Sudan, also spelled Gezira; Gesira beach in Somalia; a user name; a feminine first name; El Gesira seems to mean "the island" in Arabic, variants are El Gezirah, Al Jazirah, and Al Jazeera; University of Gesira in Sudan)
22 July 2006
lock is litarn
litarn = lock (LIH-tarn) (noun) (some things Google found for "litarn": a rare term; appears on various Swedish sites and sites from other Scandinavian countries, may mean "liter"; on The Library of Babel; possibly a last name)
21 July 2006
button is lodar (revisited)
lodar = button (Lhaesine pronunciation = LAW-dar) (noun) (some things Google found for "lodar": an uncommon term; Lodar Industrial Radio Wireless Remote Controls; a place in Yemen, also called Lawdar, with airport code LDR; user names; Lodar Monak is the name of cartoon superhero character The Green Lantern; in Masters of the universe comic Slave City, Lodar is a villain leader of the Kobolds; TW-LODAR system for through wall living organism detection; name of several fantasy game characters; name of a male character in SF novella "The Jaran" by Barry B. Longyear; lake and river in game Barrok's Tower; a last name of a man mentioned in House of Lords journal dated 1610; a place in Pakistan)
20 July 2006
life is tage
tage = life (TAG) (noun) (some things Google found for "tage": a very common term; a masculine first name which can be Swedish; means "days" in German; Tage is a restaurant in St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands; Tage Inns in Massachusetts; Tage.com Multimedia Productions of web design, programming, and hosting services; Sophie Scholl - Die letzten Tage (2005) is a German war drama movie; TAGE stands for Texas Endowment for Geographic Education; a last name; user name; Tage-Mage test is a French aptitude test for management and business studies; means "take, get, lay hold of, pick up" in Danish; means "by day, in the daytime" in Esperanto; places in Burma, France, Papua New Guinea)
19 July 2006
lead is rudis (revisited)
rudis = lead (Lhaesine pronunciation = ruh-DIHS) (noun) (metal) (some things Google found for "rudis": a common term; alternate spelling or misspelling of "Rudi's"; a wooden sword given to a gladiator for achievement that signified his release from a slave to a freeman; rudis dot net is a blog; a last name that's perhaps Czech; user names; Eucalyptus rudis is the Flooded gum tree; Amaranthus rudis is a wetland plant of the Pigweed family; Ceryle rudis is a Pied Kingfisher; a first name; avant-garde musician Lx Rudis; RUDIS is a Business Association for Engineering of Projects company in Slovenia; Rudis Reality of Massachusetts; means "rough, raw, uncultivated" in Latin; means "ignorant" in Swedish)
This word has been revised again. The Lhaesine word for "lead" is now "burc". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been revised again. The Lhaesine word for "lead" is now "burc". This posting is no longer current.
18 July 2006
tomb is ascere
ascere = tomb (ah-SKEER) (noun) (some things Google found for "ascere": a rare term; user names; ASCERE Ascenseurs (elevators) of Castelnou France; L'Ascere is a social association that assists the unemployed find work in Saint-Aubin-lès-Elbeuf France; an old English masculine first name from around 1000 AD; a Latin suffix or verb form; a fragment of "nascere" which means "to be born" in Italian; "Adi Ascere" areas in Ethiopia)
17 July 2006
cold is marul (revisited)
marul = cold (MAH-ruhl) (adjective) (some things Google found for "marul": a common term; small Austrian ski resort of Raggal-Marul; user names; means "lettuce" in Turkish; places in Bangladesh and Macedonia; Marul Media of Croatia; male character on Stargate who is Leader of the Latonans and keeper of the flame of the Sentinel; "SKA 75 Marul CE" is a font; Marul de aur is a Lebanese Restaurant in Bucharest; "marul" means something in Romanian, perhaps it is related to "mar" which means "apple"; a last name; a place in Romania)
Another small change. My previous Lhaesine word for "cold" was "marl". Initially I defined "cold" as "marol".
Another small change. My previous Lhaesine word for "cold" was "marl". Initially I defined "cold" as "marol".
16 July 2006
high is lale (revisited)
lale = high (Lhaesine pronunciation = LAYL) (adjective and adverb) (some things Google found for "lale": a very common term; a feminine first name, notably German chanson singer-songwriter Lale Andersen and Turkish actress Lale Mansur; a last name; Lale Hostel & Pension in Egirdir Turkey; Lale Yachting in Güllük Turkey; Lale Ltd of UK sells housewares produced in Turkey; user names; Historic Lale Trail in Marshall in East Texas; Niline lale is a fictional language; means "welcome" in Nigerian; means "tulip" in Romany and Turkish; places in Uganda, Congo, Solomon Islands, Philippines, Indonesia, China, East Timor, Pakistan, Bulgaria, Chad, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, and Turkey)
Changed because my previous Lhaesine word for "high", which was "leil", disobeyed my spelling conventions. In addition, I didn't like the "corrected" spelling of "lele".
Changed because my previous Lhaesine word for "high", which was "leil", disobeyed my spelling conventions. In addition, I didn't like the "corrected" spelling of "lele".
15 July 2006
war is bala
bala = war (Lhaesine pronunciation = BAH-luh) (noun) (some things Google found for "bala": a very common term; a place in Muskoka, Ontario, Canada that is north of Toronto; a town and lake in North Wales; La Bala is an inexpensive original design tube-frame car; a last name and a first name, likely both from India; Bala Yoga of L.A.; Bala Consulting Engineers Inc.; place Bala Cynwyd in Pennsylvania; Bala are a Brass Quintet from Boston; The Bala Hounds are a "Post-Psychedelic Appalachian Swing" band; means "bullet" in Basque, Catalan, Portuguese, Spanish, and Tagalog; means "candy, sweet" in Brazilian Portuguese; means "bale" in Croatian, Serbian (Latin Script), and Slovenian; means "disaster, troop" in Indonesian; means "ball" in Italian and Scottish; means "slough, morass, bog" in Lithuanian; means "calamity, disaster" in Malay; means "strength" in Sanskrit (Transliterated); means "misfortune, trial" in Urdu (Transliterated); places in Bolivia, Morocco, Ethiopia, Mali, Niger, Chad, Burma, Central African Republic, Guinea, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Congo, Ghana, Senegal, Philippines, Bangladesh, China, Cameroon, Malaysia, Russian Federation, Liberia, and Mozambique)
This word has been slightly revised. The Lhaesine word for "war" is now "bael". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been slightly revised. The Lhaesine word for "war" is now "bael". This posting is no longer current.
14 July 2006
low is pice
pice = low (PIKE) (adjective) (some things Google found for "pice": a common term; a small former copper coin worth 1/64 of a rupee in British India, also called paisa; pICE is a kernel level debugger on Windows; PICE stands for The Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers; PICE stands for Printing Industry Credit Executives, Inc.; P.I.C.E is Perth International College of English of Australia; PICE is Pennsylvania Institute for Conservation Education; Phyton Inc. PICE-AVR and PICE-SE in-circuit emulators for PCs; misspelling of "piece"; Sex pice i krvoprolice (2004) is a Croatian movie about football or soccer; "piće" means "drink, beverage, alcoholic drink" in Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian; Pice Bach is Welsh Cakes; misspelling of "price"; PICE stands for Parental Involvement in Children's Education in UK; user name)
13 July 2006
mother is jadere
jadere = mother (Lhaesine pronunciation = JAH-deer) (noun) (some things Google found for "jadere": an uncommon term; user names; a first name; word that appears on a number of French language forums and pages that I was unable to translate from French, perhaps a misspelling of "j'adore"; misspelling or alternate spelling of "Jadera" a Roman name for coastal city in Croatia now called Zadar or Zara)
This word has been redone. The word for "mother" is now "roawa". This posting is no longer current. This word, "jadere", has been redefined as "aunt".
This word has been redone. The word for "mother" is now "roawa". This posting is no longer current. This word, "jadere", has been redefined as "aunt".
12 July 2006
bowl is giiha
giiha = bowl (Lhaesine pronunciation = GIGH-huh) (noun) (some things Google found for "giiha": an uncommon to rare term; a last name that's likely Indian; user names; GIIHA stands for Grosse Ile Islander Hockey Association from near Detroit; appears on some pages that look like gobbledygook)
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "bowl" is now "gatha". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "bowl" is now "gatha". This posting is no longer current.
11 July 2006
sorrow is maris
maris = sorrow (Lhaesine pronunciation = MAH-rihs) (adjective) (some things Google found for "maris": a very common term; a last name, notably baseball player Roger Maris; MARIS stands for Mississippi Automated Resource Information System; Maris Hotels of Crete; Maris Technologies Ltd of the UK provides e-content and e-learning; Maris Freighter and Specialty Cruises; Stella Maris Resort Club in the Bahamas; Maris Fine Jewelry of Toronto; Maris Farms in Washington State; Maris Interiors LLP of UK of office design; Stella Maris High School in Rockaway Park, NY; Stella Maris Books offers Catholic Books in Texas; Stella Maris is a 1918 silent film starring Mary Pickford; Maris Taylor Design of Washington State; Stella Maris Academy of California; MARIS stands for Maritime Information Society a G-8 project; a first name; means "sea" in Latin, and "stella maris" means "star of the sea"; places in the Netherlands and Yemen)
10 July 2006
narrow is bicael
bicael = narrow (Lhaesine pronunciation = BIH-kawl) (adjective) (some things Google found for "bicael": a rare term; a first name that's likely Portuguese; user name; a last name that's perhaps German)
09 July 2006
joy is yesa
yesa = joy (Lhaesine pronunciation = YEH-suh) (noun) (some things Google found for "yesa": an uncommon term; town in Navarre in Northern Spain; village La Yesa in Valencia Spain; Yesa reservoir in the Spanish Pyrenees; YESA stands for N.T. Yap Environmental Systems Analysts of Canada; YESA stands for Youth Employment Standards Act of Michigan; user names; a last name that is likely Spanish; a first name that is probably south Asian; places in Bolivia and Sierra Leone)
08 July 2006
under is rufane (revisited)
rufane = under (ruh-FANE) (adjective and adverb) (some things Google found for "rufane": a rare term; a first name, notably British General Sir Rufane Shaw Donkin (1773-1841); the Sir Rufane Donkin Lighthouse and The Donkin Reserve, a stone pyramid monument in memory of his wife, in Port Elizabeth (city named after Donkin's wife) in South Africa; a last name)
My previous Lhaesine word for "under" was "ruvane". I'm continuing to alter words to remove usage of the letter "v".
My previous Lhaesine word for "under" was "ruvane". I'm continuing to alter words to remove usage of the letter "v".
07 July 2006
hair is eicha
eicha = hair (Lhaesine pronunciation = EE-chuh) (noun) (some things Google found for "eicha": an uncommon term; in Hebrew Bible the book of Eicha (Eichah) is Lamentations, title of a biblical scroll, and "eicha" means "how"; user names; similarly spelled word "eiche" means oak in German and Spanish; a historic village in Gleichamberg Germany; Eicha Museum in Bergeijk in the Netherlands; two other places in Germany)
Note: Similar word "eichun" is my Lhaesine word for "fur".
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "hair" is now "ech". This posting is no longer current.
Note: Similar word "eichun" is my Lhaesine word for "fur".
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "hair" is now "ech". This posting is no longer current.
06 July 2006
foot is ruisa
ruisa = foot (Lhaesine pronunciation = RYOO-suh) (noun) (anatomy) (some things Google found for "ruisa": an uncommon term; Mama Ruisa is a Guest House in Rio de Janeiro in a 19th century mansion; Trichoclea ruisa is a moth of South Carolina; a Norseman character on The Camelot Herald; term for Russia in Spanish; a last name, can perhaps be version of Ruiz; a feminine first name; user name)
This word has been redone. The Lhaesine word for "foot" is now "ild". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been redone. The Lhaesine word for "foot" is now "ild". This posting is no longer current.
05 July 2006
friend is paexa
paexa = friend (Lhaesine pronunciation = PAWK-suh) (noun) (some things Google found for "paexa": a rare term; a "Vampiir" character on The Camelot Herald; variable "paExa" in ColorChooser java applet code; PAEXA stands for Portrait Agri-environmental de l'EXPlotation Agricole, a Belgian farming indicator; user names; appears on a number of Japanese language pages, perhaps some product; PAEXA stands for Pour l'Alternative l'Expérimentation Animale, a French group trying to limit use of laboratory animals)
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "friend" is now "paxa". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "friend" is now "paxa". This posting is no longer current.
04 July 2006
dream is saeln (redone)
saeln = dream (SAWLN) (noun) (some things Google found for "saeln": a rare term; SAELN stands for Students Across Europe Language Network project; word that appears on some Spanish lanquage webpages that I can't translate; on The Library of Babel; mispelling of "Salen" a ski-resort in Sweden)
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "dream" is now "solun". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "dream" is now "solun". This posting is no longer current.
03 July 2006
glass is anira (revisited and redefined)
anira = glass (Lhaesine pronunciation = ah-NIH-ruh) (noun) (some things Google found for "anira": an uncommon term; Anira Exports, India, manufactures leather and beaded handbags; Anira, food import and export of Lithuania; Leptothorax anira is a species of ant; user name; An-i-rà offers contemporary jewelry from Madagascar; name of a Dutch model; ANIRA solutions, Inc is a Information Technology consulting firm based in Virginia; "Anira Taisho", one of 12 Heavenly Generals to protect and serve the Yakushi Nyorai, the Medicine Buddha; might be "where" in Mískito, a native language spoken on the Caribbean coasts of Nicaragua and Honduras; Anira means "to desire" in Sindarin; Anira is a variation of the Welsh feminine name Aneira, which means golden)
Months ago "anira" was my Lhaesine word for "girl", but I decided to shorten that word to "nira". My previous Lhaesine word for "glass" was "aniret".
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "glass" is now "anere". This posting is no longer current.
Months ago "anira" was my Lhaesine word for "girl", but I decided to shorten that word to "nira". My previous Lhaesine word for "glass" was "aniret".
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "glass" is now "anere". This posting is no longer current.
02 July 2006
poem is aonim (revisited)
aonim = poem (OW-nihm) (noun) (some things Google found for "aonim": an uncommon to rare term; AONim is a downloadable freeware game for EPOC Operating System; Topnaars (Aonim) of Namibia, a tribe of people, also AONIM camp; user names; appears on The Library of Babel)
Previously this word was "aunim". I'm tweaking the spelling to follow my current rules.
Previously this word was "aunim". I'm tweaking the spelling to follow my current rules.
01 July 2006
marble is ciiden
ciiden = marble (Lhaesine pronunciation = KIGH-dehn) (noun) (type of stone) (Some things Google found for "ciiden": an uncommon to rare term; user names; seems to mean something in Turkish, word appears on a number of forums, but I was unable to translate it)
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "marble" is now "cirden". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "marble" is now "cirden". This posting is no longer current.
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