zure = blue (Lhaesine pronunciation = ZOOR) (adjective) (color) (some things Google found for "zure": a common term; blog titled "Tokyo Tsure Zure Gusa" and book Idle Jottings: Zen Reflections from the Tsure-Zure Gusa of Yoshido Kenko; means "your" in Basque, a frequent result; user names; "Zure Plavac Mali" is a dry red wine produced and cultivated in the family cellar of Ive Batistic Zure in Croatia; a last name; Hotel Zure Echea in Necochea, Argentina; YuGiOh card for fiend "Zure, Knight of Dark World"; Zure Etxea is a restaurant in Barcelona, Spain; means "acid" in Dutch)
Previous word for blue was "vure". I'm dropping the letter "v" from Lhaesine.
This word has been redone, twice. The word for "blue" is now "rima". This posting is no longer current.
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