ait = of (Lhaesine pronunciation = ATE) (preposition) (some things Google found for "ait": a very common term; ATI is the NYSE stock symbol for Applied Industrial Technologies Inc.; AIT Tape is Advanced Intelligent Tape developed by Sony; AIT is Advanced Internet Technologies, Inc. which offers web hosting; ATI is Asian Institute of Technology in Thailand; AIT is American Institute in Taiwan; AIT Worldwide Logistics, Inc. offers shipping technology and services; AIT is Agency for Instructional Technology; AIT is Athlone Institute of Technology of Ireland; AiT/PlanetLar is a pop-culture and graphic novels company and blog; AIT Records produces Ethiopian music; AIT is Asylum and Immigration Tribunal in UK; AIT is Athens Information Technology of Greece; AIT is Arts Initiative Tokyo; AIT is African Independent Television; "Aït" is a last name; AIT is Advanced Information Technology; A.I.T. Global Inc. is an association of management and IT professionals; AIT to the Army is Advanced Individual Training; AIT is Auditory Integration Training; AIT stands for many more things; means "barn" in Estonian; means "have" in French; means "glad, joyful" in Gaelic and Scottish; means "strange" in Irish; means "he says" in Latin; means "relating to, concerning" in Turkish; places or geographic features in Chad and India)
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "of" is now "ae". This posting is no longer current.
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