mahlen = time (Lhaesine pronunciation = MAH-hlen) (noun) (some things Google found for "mahlen": an uncommon term; Netzsch Mahlen & Dispergieren (Grinding & Dispersing) company of Germany; a last name almost certainly German in origin; user name; a first name; numerous German language results; means "grind or grinding" in German; places in Germany)
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "time" is now "malon". This posting is no longer current.
Lhaesine is a conlang, an artificial or constructed language. This is a project to invent a lexicon of new "words" in an imaginary language. Postings shows English to Lhaesine, my approximate Lhaesine word pronunciation, and what Google search found for my made-up word.
28 February 2006
spring is faoren (revisited)
faoren = spring (Lhaesine pronunciation = FOW-ren) (noun) (season) (some things Google found for "faoren": a rare term; name of a male fantasy character; user name on several Russian web forums; "FAOren" and "FAOk" appear on pages written in Basque which may refer to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations; something in German; a last name; appears on The Library of Babel; a geographic feature, a rock, in Sweden)
I'm modifying the spelling, but not the pronunciation of this word. I made a change to one of my Lhaesine pronunciation rules.
I'm modifying the spelling, but not the pronunciation of this word. I made a change to one of my Lhaesine pronunciation rules.
27 February 2006
to is ura
ura = to (Lhaesine pronunciation = UHRUH) (preposition) (some things Google found for "ane": a very common term; URA is Urban Redevelopment Authority; URA is United Rodeo Association; URA Laboratory is Underwater Robotics & Application in Japan; a feminine first name; URA is United Restoration Associates Inc. of Canada; URA is Urban Renewal Authority in Hong Kong; URA-FLEX pipeline pigs, custom cast urethanes; URA is Undergraduate Research Assistantship Program at University of Arizona; URA is Utah Restaurant Association; URA is Unió de Radioaficionats Andorrans; URA is Undersea Research Associates; Ura is a language of Vanuatu; means "the water" in Basque; means "fly" in Bengali (Transliterated); means "below, under, down" in Quechua; means "thank you" in Comanche; means "clock, hour" in Croatian; means "career, groove" in Finnish; means "chest" in Hindi (Transliterated); means "leak, ooze out, get lost" in Kikuyu; means "discuss" in Malay; means "glow" in Maori; means "hurrah" in Sebian (Latin Script) and Romanian; means "time" in Slovenian; means things in additional languages; places or geographic features in a number of counties including Norway, Japan, Russian Federation, Estonia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Albania, Bhutan, Papua New Guinea, Uzbekistan, and Hungary)
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "to" is now "ane". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "to" is now "ane". This posting is no longer current.
dog is raod (revisited)
raod = dog (Lhaesine pronunciation = ROWD) (noun) (some things Google found for "raod": an uncommon term; ubiquitous misspelling of "road", I found addresses on a multitude of "raod"s and numerous mentions of "raod" trips, rail "road"s, off "raod" vehicles, and "raod" races)
This revision was a modification of the spelling, but not the pronunciation. I made a change to one of my Lhaesine pronunciation rules.
This revision was a modification of the spelling, but not the pronunciation. I made a change to one of my Lhaesine pronunciation rules.
26 February 2006
she is aen
aen = she (Lhaesine pronunciation = AWN) (pronoun) (personal subject pronoun) (some things Google found for "aen": very common term; AMEX stock symbol for Austral Pacific Energy Ltd.; AEN stands for The Atlanta Executive Network, a networking organizations for gays and lesbians; AEN is Academic Employment Network; AEN is the Asia E-learning Network of Japan; AEN is the Australian European Network/Utrecht network student exchange consortium; AEN is the Adult Education Network of South Africa; AEN is the Alberta Environmental Network; AEN is the Asociación Española de Neuropsiquiatría; AEN is The Austrian Economics Newsletter; AEN is Audiences Europe Network; AEN is acronym for acetylaminoethyl naphthylamine sulfonate; AEN is Adolescence Education Newsletter from UNESCO Bangkok; AEN is The AIDS Economics Network; AEN is part of several computer virus names; user name; AEN is a USA experimental record label; an Asian first name; means "god, angel" in Sindarin; means "than" in Swedish; means "voice" in Nauruan, a language spoken in the small island republic of Nauru in the South Pacific; "Aen" means "exact, real, eye" in Urdu (Transliterated); places or geographic features in Norway, Marshall Islands, and Denmark)
3 letter words,
personal subject pronoun,
paper is higast
higast = paper (Lhaesine pronunciation = HIH-gast) (noun) (rare term in Google; user name of someone from Japan; misspelling of "highest"; a PC game demo from Zentomo company; seems to be another name for game Pokemon called Gastly)
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "paper" is now "erest". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "paper" is now "erest". This posting is no longer current.
25 February 2006
he is ehn
ehn = he (Lhaesine pronunciation = EHN) (pronoun) (some things Google found for "ehn": a common term; EHN is Environmental Health News; EHN is European Heart Network; a last name, notably Austrian architect Karl Ehn and Swedish participatory designer Pelle Ehn; EHN is Environmental Health Network of California; EHN is European Haemovigilance Network; EHN program is on Ecology and Human Needs; EHN is Energía Hidroeléctrica de Navarra, SA, Spain; EHN Wind Power Canada Inc.; user name)
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "he" is now "ene". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "he" is now "ene". This posting is no longer current.
with is fose
fose = with (Lhaesine pronunciation = FOHSE) (preposition) (some things Google found for "fose": a common term; FOSE, which stands for Federal Office Systems Exposition, is a big government conference and exhibition computer trade show; "Best of FOSE" awards for innovative and well-designed IT products; a last name; means "exert" in Creole; means "mouth" in Venetian)
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "with" is now "fos". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "with" is now "fos". This posting is no longer current.
24 February 2006
river is sonde (revisited)
sonde = river (SOWND) (noun) (common term in Google; a sonde is a probe that sends information about its environment; in oil exploration, logging tool part that contains the measurement sensors; device sent up to observe the upper atmosphere; in ocean exploration, a tool to measure variables such as temperature, and salinity in the water column; first name from Nigeria; Sonde Stromfjord is a suborbital launch site in Greenland of The Danish Meteorological Institute; "I-blessyd be Cristes sonde" was published in Medieval English Political Writings; Edec Sonde is a dance music artist; "Sonde Motte Kiss" is the opening song for Japanese anime "Sorcerous Stabber Orphen Revenge"; user name; Sonde is a language of Democratic Republic of the Congo; means "transgression, sin" in Afrikaans; means "probe" in Croatian, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, and English"; means "that which is sent, a message or messenger" in English; populated places in Norway, Burma, Uganda, Mozambique, Pakistan, and Togo)
Modified this Lhaesine word, I added the "d".
Modified this Lhaesine word, I added the "d".
swamp is duvash
duvash = swamp (Lhaesine pronunciation = duh-VASH) (noun) (some things Google found for "duvash": a rare term; something in Macedonian; a last name of someone from Bangladesh)
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "swamp" is now "dutha". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "swamp" is now "dutha". This posting is no longer current.
23 February 2006
farm is boira
boira = farm (BOI-ruh) (noun) (uncommon term in Google; Hotel A Boira in Jaca in Aragonian Pyrenees; a Spanish last name, notably actor Francisco Boira, also spelled Boïra; a first name, notably Boira Mteki a sculptor from Zimbabwe; BOIRA is a Spanish tool company with saw and drill products; La Boira is a bar-restaurant in Sant Cugat del Vallès, Cataluña, Spain; Sangiovese Boira and Boira Pinot Grigio Organic are Italian wines; Boira Preta is a group that plays traditional music of Aragón; a user name; Boira is a Catalan music group, Grup d'Havaneres de Lleida, means "fog" in Spanish, Catalan, Valencian, and Aragonese; a place or feature in Papua New Guinea)
rug is wisfa
wisfa = rug (Lhaesine pronunciation = WIHS-fuh) (noun) (some things Google found for "wisfa": an uncommon to rare term; "wisfa" is WSFA which is the Washington Science Fiction Association; a tour package ID; perhaps something in Swedish; a last name; appears on a number of pages that look like gobbledygook, and on Suck on this, spam bots)
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "rug" is now "wisa". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "rug" is now "wisa". This posting is no longer current.
22 February 2006
church is ashul
ashul = church (Lhaesine pronunciation = AH-shuhl) (noun) (some things Google found for "ashul": an uncommon term; user names; character names; first name of a man from perhaps Nairobi, Africa; a last name in Pakistan; a masculine first name in India; a fantasy kingdom; Ashul Temple is the name of a cave room in Wind Cave National Park; Dr. Coaldwin-Ashul-Tahaylik is a minor Animorphs character; place or geographic feature in Yemen; inspired by words for "five" in Apache and Navajo)
I'm redefining "ashul" as "church". Previously "ashul" was the Lhaesine word for "five".
I'm redefining "ashul" as "church". Previously "ashul" was the Lhaesine word for "five".
bold is redh
redh = bold (Lhaesine pronunciation = REHDH) (adjective) (some
things Google found for "redh": an uncommon term; In South America, REDH is Red Solidaria por los Derechos Humanos, which translates as Shared in common network by the Human rights; REDH is Rumbo a la Excelencia Deportiva y Humana, a sports related site; user name; for computers, RedH seems to stand for RedHat Linux; abbreviation used to refer to 1891 Sherlock Holmes story The Red-Headed League; first name of a high level game character)
This word has been redone. The Lhaesine word for "bold" is now "ral". This posting is no longer current.
things Google found for "redh": an uncommon term; In South America, REDH is Red Solidaria por los Derechos Humanos, which translates as Shared in common network by the Human rights; REDH is Rumbo a la Excelencia Deportiva y Humana, a sports related site; user name; for computers, RedH seems to stand for RedHat Linux; abbreviation used to refer to 1891 Sherlock Holmes story The Red-Headed League; first name of a high level game character)
This word has been redone. The Lhaesine word for "bold" is now "ral". This posting is no longer current.
21 February 2006
cloud is yetage
yetage = cloud (Lhaesine pronunciation = YEH-tayg) (noun) (rare term in Google; incidental combination of "yet" and "age"; perhaps something or misspelling of something in French; appears on gobbledygook pages)
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "cloud" is now "yena". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "cloud" is now "yena". This posting is no longer current.
sand is eida
eida = sand (Lhaesine pronunciation = EE-duh) (noun) (some things Google found for "eida": an uncommon term; EidA is Associacion de Empresas de Inserción de Andalucia of Spain, which seems to be companies of labor insertion, whatever that is; user name; EIDA project is E-service based Italian District Automation; a first name, perhaps Hispanic, Yiddish, or Arabic; EIDA is Excellence in Diversity Awards program at Michigan State University; Greek Rock/Pop music CD "Tin Eida Apopse Laika"; a last name; EIDA is Emirates Identity Authority; Eida is a French indie rock band; EIDA is Eastern Illinois Dietetic Association; EIDA is Extractive Industries Development Act in Victoria, Australia, where the "extractive industry" produces a range of rock, clay, sand and gravel products; a place or geographic feature in Norway)
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "sand" is now "beda". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "sand" is now "beda". This posting is no longer current.
20 February 2006
mud is vuhe
vuhe = mud (Lhaesine pronunciation = VYOOH) (noun) (some things Google found for "vuhe": an uncommon to rare term; "VUhe" is something in a transliterated language of India; user name; a word in what may be Serbian; a village in La Rochelle, France; appears on numerous pages that look like gobbledygook)
This word has been revised. Yhe letter "v" is no longer used in Lhaesine. This posting is no longer current.
This word has been reinstated, and so has the letter "v". This posting is the current word for "mud".
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "mud" is now "vug". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been revised. Yhe letter "v" is no longer used in Lhaesine. This posting is no longer current.
This word has been reinstated, and so has the letter "v". This posting is the current word for "mud".
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "mud" is now "vug". This posting is no longer current.
warm is sebha
sebha = warm (Lhaesine pronunciation = SEHB-huh) (adjective) (some things Google found for "sebha": an uncommon term; a city and oasis in central Libya, also called Sabha, largest and most important settlement in Libyan Sahara, site of Fort and Sebha University; Sebha Tehebbak is the name of a Arabic music CD and song by Hisham Abbas; Islamic prayer bead counters)
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "warm" is now "seba". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "warm" is now "seba". This posting is no longer current.
19 February 2006
poem is aunim
aunim = poem (Lhaesine pronunciation = AAW-nihm) (noun) (some things Google found for "aunim": an uncommon to rare term; user names; means "when, whenever, if and when" in a conlang called Tokana: a first name which seems to be Bengali; "Gauda Aunim" is a generated Star Wars name shown on various non-English forums)
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "poem" is now "aonim". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "poem" is now "aonim". This posting is no longer current.
nine is gaez (revisited)
gaez = nine (Lhaesine pronunciation = GAWZ or gauze) (adjective) (number) (some things Google found for "gaez": an uncommon term; GAEZ is Global Agro-Ecological Zones; Gaez is the prayer language of Ethiopian Jews; a last name which can be Egyptian, Filipino, Cuban, and Chilean; GAEZ S.A.. is a company in Spain)
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "nine" is now "goaza". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "nine" is now "goaza". This posting is no longer current.
18 February 2006
shrine is niqwaen
niqwaen = shrine (Lhaesine pronunciation = nih-kwawn) (noun) (unique term in Google!)
This word has been revised. The new word for "shrine" is "nicwen". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been revised. The new word for "shrine" is "nicwen". This posting is no longer current.
of is ait
ait = of (Lhaesine pronunciation = ATE) (preposition) (some things Google found for "ait": a very common term; ATI is the NYSE stock symbol for Applied Industrial Technologies Inc.; AIT Tape is Advanced Intelligent Tape developed by Sony; AIT is Advanced Internet Technologies, Inc. which offers web hosting; ATI is Asian Institute of Technology in Thailand; AIT is American Institute in Taiwan; AIT Worldwide Logistics, Inc. offers shipping technology and services; AIT is Agency for Instructional Technology; AIT is Athlone Institute of Technology of Ireland; AiT/PlanetLar is a pop-culture and graphic novels company and blog; AIT Records produces Ethiopian music; AIT is Asylum and Immigration Tribunal in UK; AIT is Athens Information Technology of Greece; AIT is Arts Initiative Tokyo; AIT is African Independent Television; "Aït" is a last name; AIT is Advanced Information Technology; A.I.T. Global Inc. is an association of management and IT professionals; AIT to the Army is Advanced Individual Training; AIT is Auditory Integration Training; AIT stands for many more things; means "barn" in Estonian; means "have" in French; means "glad, joyful" in Gaelic and Scottish; means "strange" in Irish; means "he says" in Latin; means "relating to, concerning" in Turkish; places or geographic features in Chad and India)
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "of" is now "ae". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "of" is now "ae". This posting is no longer current.
17 February 2006
top is esugre
esugre = top (Lhaesine pronunciation = EH-syoogr) (some things Google found for "esugre": an uncommon to rare term; user name on German and Austrian forums and web boards)
This word has been revised. My new word for "top" is "sune". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been revised. My new word for "top" is "sune". This posting is no longer current.
storm is losind
losind = storm (Lhaesine pronunciation = LOH-sihnd) (some
things Google found for "losind": a rare term; common misspelling of "losing"; a place name in a fantasy story on Elfwood; LOSind is Length of stay indicator)
This word has been redone. The new word for "storm" is "aihran". This posting is no longer current.
things Google found for "losind": a rare term; common misspelling of "losing"; a place name in a fantasy story on Elfwood; LOSind is Length of stay indicator)
This word has been redone. The new word for "storm" is "aihran". This posting is no longer current.
16 February 2006
always is greya
greya = always (Lhaesine pronunciation = GREH-yuh) (adverb) (some things Google found for "greya": an uncommon term; a genus of moths with eighteen species, closely related to yucca moths, most of them occurring in western North America; a user name; "Greya Doth" is a realm in Port of Horizons game; "Portret Doryana Greya" was 1915 Russian film of The Picture of Dorian Gray, now lost; RPG story "Power Greya Two-Eyes" by Greg Stafford; means "shine" in Bulgarian)
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "always" is now "raiya". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "always" is now "raiya". This posting is no longer current.
wing is jeuca
jeuca = wing (Lhaesine pronunciation = JUUH-cuh) (noun) (some things Google found for "jeuca": an uncommon to rare term; user names; possibly a name; name of a triangulation station in Mozambique)
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "wing" is now "jeura". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "wing" is now "jeura". This posting is no longer current.
15 February 2006
under is ruvane
ruvane = under (Lhaesine pronunciation = ruh-VANE) (some things Google found for "ruvane": a rare term; a last name, could be Irish; a masculine first name, can be Jewish, notably singer/songwriter Ravane Kurland; a user name; Ruvane Auditorium, GlaxoSmithKline, in North Carolina; last name of a character in romance book Champion of the Heart by Laurel O'Donnell)
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "under" is now "rufane". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "under" is now "rufane". This posting is no longer current.
wheel is polhe
polhe = wheel (Lhaesine pronunciation = POHLH) (some things Google found for "polhe": a rare term; Polhe Tool, Inc. of Ohio; "Pölhe" is a Hungarian last name; means something unidentifiable in Slovenian; a French last name, perhaps a variation of Pollet; user name; means "right straight" in Veps, a Finno-Ugric language of Northwest Russia)
This word has been redone. The Lhaesine word for "wheel" is now "podrin". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been redone. The Lhaesine word for "wheel" is now "podrin". This posting is no longer current.
14 February 2006
dark is rode (revisited)
rode = dark (Lhaesine pronunciation = RODE) (some things Google found for "rode": a very common term; Rode (or RØDE) Microphones; a last name; past tense of "ride" in English; Rode-trol Rodent Control product; In Powerboating, Rode is the length of the anchor line and/or chain used for anchoring; means "prowl" in Creole; means "red" in Dutch and Flemish; means "abrades" in French; means "gnaws" in Italian; places or geographic features in Denmark, Belgium, South Africa, Pakistan, Haiti, Sweden, Germany, and United Kingdom)
This word has been redefined as "dim". The Lhaesine word for "dark" is now "nire". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been redefined as "dim". The Lhaesine word for "dark" is now "nire". This posting is no longer current.
above is beint
beint = above (Lhaesine pronunciation = BEENT) (some things Google found for "beint": a common term; a last name, notably actor Michael Beint; means "steady, straight" in Icelandic; means "directly" in Faroese; user name)
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "above" is now "belc". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "above" is now "belc". This posting is no longer current.
13 February 2006
corpse is laguer
laguer = corpse (Lhaesine pronunciation = LAH-gur) (some things Google found for "lagur": an uncommon term; a last name from generally Germany or England or Hispanic; last name of a black man from Brooklyn who died in 2005 in tattoo parlor freak accident; "LaGuer" is a last name, notably that of a convicted rapist claiming innocence despite condemning DNA evidence; on math related pages, a misspelling or shortening of name "Laguerre"; user name; misspelling of "laquer")
This word has been revised. The word for "corpse" is now "laglar". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been revised. The word for "corpse" is now "laglar". This posting is no longer current.
short is wace
wace = short (WAKE) (uncommon term in Google; a last name, notably 12th century Norman-French poet Robert Wace; WACE is World Association for Cooperative Education; WACE is Western Association of Chamber Executives; WACE corporate printing in UK; WACE is Workshop on Advanced Collaborative Environments; WACE AM 730 inspirational radio station for Southern New England area; WACE is Western Australian Certificate of Education; WACE Programmer is smartcard reader/emulator programmer)
12 February 2006
ten is nale
nale = ten (Lhaesine pronunciation = NAIL) (adjective) (number) (some things Google found for "nale": a common term; a last name, can be English or Irish; NALE stands for National Archive & Library of Ethiopia; Chaucer era term for ale and also alehouse; NALE is Northern Arizona Literacy Enterprises; user name; a first name, perhaps African; title of a Turkish book; misspelling of "male"; "Borzu Nale" was a Fluggrian crime lord in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace; NALE-IT is a surface washing product for cleaning hydrocarbon contamination; means "long" in Kinga, a language of Tanzania; means "moan" in Uyghur (Latin Script) which is a Turkic language spoken in the Xinjiang Region of China; places or geographic features in Pakistan, Philippines, Laos, Mali, India, Senegal and Sweden)
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "ten" is now "pir". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "ten" is now "pir". This posting is no longer current.
letter is irhise
irhise = letter (written message) (Lhaesine pronunciation = IHR-ice) (some things Google found for "irhise": a very rare term; seems to be a feminine Korean name; user names spelled as iRhiSe and IrHiSe)
11 February 2006
blood is gres (revisited)
gres = blood (Lhaesine pronunciation = GREHS) (some things Google found for "gres": a common term; "Au Gres" is a city and township in Michigan; a last name, notably fashion designer Madame Alix Gres (or Grès); Parfums Gres; in Bath & Body, Gres Soaps & Cleansers; Gres de la Mancha, S.L. of Spain makes ceramic tile; GRES is Gestion de REseaux et de Services, French conference on network management and services; In France, GRES is Le Groupement de Recherche Economique et Sociales; Gres Electric, Inc. in St. Louis Park, MN; user name; means "stoneware or sandstone" in Dutch, French, Italian, and Portuguese; means "brand new" in Indonesian; means "grease" in Turkish; places or geographic features in Spain, Russian Federation, Albania, France, and Angola)
I made this Lhaesine word simplier by dropping a "n" off the end.
I made this Lhaesine word simplier by dropping a "n" off the end.
nine is graez
graez = nine (Lhaesine pronunciation = GRAWZ) (adjective) (number) (some things Google found for "graez": a rare term; a last name, likely Austrian or German; warrior character name in story a on a forum; misspelling of "Graetz", a German make of radios and TVs; town of Graez in Mystara Role-playing World)
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "nine" is now "goaza". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "nine" is now "goaza". This posting is no longer current.
10 February 2006
year is aesh
aesh = year (Lhaesine pronunciation = AAWSH) (some things Google found for "aesh": an uncommon term; A.E.S.H Studios has online anime-style comic "Quest of Four", user name; last name from Yemen, Palestine, and Indonesia; AESH stands for Agro-Ecosystem Health; name of a chaotic good ranger character; -aesh is a posessive word suffix in Persian; Order of the Golden Dawn mentions "Aesh Mezareph" where "aesh" seems to mean "fire", and "Thoum-Aesh-Neith" is an invented pseudo-Egyptian goddess; at IIT Madras India, AESH stands for Aerospace Engineering Seminar Hall; concerning hydrogels, AESH is as a chain transfer agent; name of Old English letter "ae" where the "a" and "e" are joined and is pronounced like "a" in cat ("ae" is not pronounced this way in Lhaesine, it's pronounced like "a" in father instead); AESH stands for Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron Headquarters; means "enjoyment, luxury" in Urdu (Transliterated))
eight is ruix
ruix = eight (number) (Lhaesine pronunciation = ROOKS) (some things Google found for "ruix": an uncommon term; an unusual last name which is probably Hispanic; RUIX and RUIX-oil are Russia's first stock index funds)
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "eight" is now "ruxe". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "eight" is now "ruxe". This posting is no longer current.
09 February 2006
brown is gulfan (revisited)
gulfan = brown (Lhaesine pronunciation = guhl-FAN) (rare term in Google; Gulfan or Ghulfan or Chulfan are a people of Sudan; a last name, often from the Philippines; user name; first name, probably Arab)
Modified this word slightly (changed last letter to "n") make the plural less unwieldy. This was the second revision of my word for "brown".
This Lhaesine word was revised again from "gulfan" to "gufan". This posting is no longer current.
Modified this word slightly (changed last letter to "n") make the plural less unwieldy. This was the second revision of my word for "brown".
This Lhaesine word was revised again from "gulfan" to "gufan". This posting is no longer current.
if is ag
ag = if (AHG) (very common term in Google; In Germany AG after a company name stands for Aktiengesellschaft, which means a corporation with stockholders; AG stands for Attorney General; Ag is shorthand for Agriculture; AG stands for Assemblies of God; AG is NYSE stock symbol for AGCO Corp. which is in agricultural equipment; AG stands for American Greetings; .ag is the Internet country code for Antigua and Barbuda; Ag is the atomic symbol for silver, which is derived from Latin word "argentum"; AG stands for Artificial Gravity; AG Edwards & Sons, Inc. brokerage; means "eight" in Afrikaans; means "dawn, morn" in Albanian; means "homo" in Finnish; means "at" in Gaelic, Irish, and Scottish; means "sedges" in Swedish; means "fire" in Urdu (Transliterated); means "as" in Welsh; places or geographic features in Hungary; Norway, and Sweden)
08 February 2006
five is asf (redone)
asf = five (Lhaesine pronunciation = AHSF) (number) (some things Google found for "asf": a common term; ASF is Microsoft Windows Media's Advanced Systems Format (formerly Advanced Streaming Format); ASF is Apache Software Foundation; ASF is Atlantic Salmon Federation of Canada; ASF is Avocats Sans Frontières is a Belgian organization, "lawyers without borders"; ASF is Alaska Satellite Facility of NASA; ASF is Alabama Shakespeare Festival; ASF stands for Applied Science Fiction; ASF is Australian Sports Foundation; ASF is American-Scandinavian Foundation; ASF is the AOPA Air Safety Foundation; ASF is Astronaut Scholarship Foundation; ASF is Advanced Search Facility, a US Internet-related program; ASF is The Andrei Sakharov Foundation; ASF is Agronomic Science Foundation; ASF stands for Astounding Science Fiction; ASF stands for many more things)
I made this word both simpler and more unusual.
This word was too unusual. It has been revised again. The new Lhaesine word for "five" is "aos". This posting is no longer current.
I made this word both simpler and more unusual.
This word was too unusual. It has been revised again. The new Lhaesine word for "five" is "aos". This posting is no longer current.
package is berant
berant = package (Lhaesine pronunciation = BEH-rahnt) (some things Google found for "berant": an uncommon term; a last name, seems to be Jewish; a user name; "X-U-berant" is a user name; Berant Industrias of Argentina makes textile tapes/bands and zippers; part of "rever-berant"; there's a Sir Berant in "Raoul de Cambrai", a story in Old French; means "belated, late, overdue" in Basque)
07 February 2006
field is merhe
merhe = field (Lhaesine pronunciation = MEERH) (some things Google found for "merhe": a rare term; a Lebanese Arab last name; last name of people in Chile, Argentina, and Brazil; "merhe" means chief to the Kapsiki of Cameroon and Nigeria, Africa ; Merhe Tibeb Printing Press, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia; teRHe-meRHe" means something in Hindi, appears in Bollywood song lyric; user name on a Witches forum; misspelling of "Merche", first name of a female Spanish musician)
before is iiyan
iiyan = before (Lhaesine pronunciation = EYE-yahn) (some things Goggle found for iiyan: an uncommon term; means something in Japanese which I can't determine; gottsu-iiyan Blog; Tokyo-iiyan; seems to be a name; user name)
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "before" is now "ieyan". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "before" is now "ieyan". This posting is no longer current.
06 February 2006
three is leuc (revisited)
leuc = three (Lhaesine pronunciation = LUUC) (adjective)(number) (some things Google found for "leuc": an uncommon term; prefix leuc- is a variant of leuko- which means "white, colorless", from the Greek word "leukos"; village in Aude region of southern France, Carnaval de Leuc; nucleotide sequence of leuC; Santa Maria Di Leuc, Italy; character name)
Shortened this word down to one syllable.
This word has been revised. But now it has been reinstated.
Shortened this word down to one syllable.
This word has been revised. But now it has been reinstated.
seven is tewil
tewil = seven (Lhaesine pronunciation = TEH-wihl) (adjective, noun) (number) (some things Google found for "tewil": an uncommon to rare term; a first name, notably Algerian musician Tewil Kemel; something on German web pages that I couldn't translate; a last name from Eritrea and Ethiopia; name of a game character; a masculine Yiddish or Jewish first name; Tewil Well Ave. and Rd. in Harrogate, UK)
This word has been revised. The word for "seven" is now "teful". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been revised. The word for "seven" is now "teful". This posting is no longer current.
05 February 2006
six is jome
jome = six (Lhaesine pronunciation = JOHM) (number) (some things
Google found for "jome": an uncommon term; JOME is Java OpenMath Editor; a Belgian last name; common name in Marshall Islands for fish species Mulloidichthys flavolineatus or Yellowstripe goatfish; a user name; Chao Jome Restaurant, Phnom Penh, Cambodia; an Iranian last name; means something in Farsi, Sarbaz-haye jome (2004) is a movie from Iran in Farsi; Jome Mosque, Tashkent, Uzbekistan; places or geographic features in Indonesia and Sudan; "Sincha Jome" in Guinea-Bissau)
This word has been completely redone. The new Lhaesine word for "six" is "iler". As you can see, I make changes to this conlang. This posting is no longer current.
Google found for "jome": an uncommon term; JOME is Java OpenMath Editor; a Belgian last name; common name in Marshall Islands for fish species Mulloidichthys flavolineatus or Yellowstripe goatfish; a user name; Chao Jome Restaurant, Phnom Penh, Cambodia; an Iranian last name; means something in Farsi, Sarbaz-haye jome (2004) is a movie from Iran in Farsi; Jome Mosque, Tashkent, Uzbekistan; places or geographic features in Indonesia and Sudan; "Sincha Jome" in Guinea-Bissau)
This word has been completely redone. The new Lhaesine word for "six" is "iler". As you can see, I make changes to this conlang. This posting is no longer current.
stupid is tirch
tirch = stupid (Lhaeine pronunciation = TIHRCH) (some things Google found for "tirch": an uncommon term; a last name, perhaps German; a British blogger humorously mentions coining this word as a mix of the words "tart" and "bitch"; user name; "Tirchhi Topiwale" (1998) is a Bollywood Indian movie; a misspelling of torch; a variation of Carpatho-Rusyn surname Tircz)
Apologies to anyone who is named Tirch, it's nothing personal.
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "stupid" is now "tirach". This posting is no longer current.
Apologies to anyone who is named Tirch, it's nothing personal.
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "stupid" is now "tirach". This posting is no longer current.
04 February 2006
four is srihe (revisited)
srihe = four (number) (Lhaesine pronunciation = SRIGHH) (some things Google found for "srihe": a rare term; a user name of someone in Finland; on pages of what looks like gobbledygook; on webpage put through The Scramblizer, it came from "shire" ; last name of a character in an anime related fan fiction story; mentioned on The Library of Babel; a rare last name; on Suck on this, spam bots)
This word has been revised. The new word for "four" is "srin". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been revised. The new word for "four" is "srin". This posting is no longer current.
finger is hesc, fingers is hescur
hesc = finger (HEHSK) (uncommon term in Google; hESC stands for Human Embryonic Stem Cell; in New York state, HESC is Higher Education Services Corporation; in Europe, HESC is Higher Education Short Cycle; At The University of Melbourne in Australia, HESC is Human Ethics Sub-Committee; At University of Arkansas, HESC is Human Environmental Sciences; At Carleton University in Canada, HESC is Honours Economics Society of Carleton; HESC is Higher Education Software Consortium; HESC is abbreviation for Health Sciences courses; HESC is High-Early Strength Concrete; in computer hardware, HESC power supply products; in Italy, HeSc does Urban and Regional Planning and Geospatial Information Systems; ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) code for Mt. Sinae airport in Santa Katarina (or St Catherine), Egypt)
And as a bonus, here's the plural of this Lhaesine word:
hescur = fingers (HEHSK-uhr) (nearly unique term in Google; appears on a Irish webpage of The Annals of Connacht A.D. 1224-1554, I didn't find word in modern Irish Gaelic dictionary)
And as a bonus, here's the plural of this Lhaesine word:
hescur = fingers (HEHSK-uhr) (nearly unique term in Google; appears on a Irish webpage of The Annals of Connacht A.D. 1224-1554, I didn't find word in modern Irish Gaelic dictionary)
03 February 2006
flower is talice
talice = flower (Lhaesine pronunciation = TAH-like) (some things Google found for "talice": an uncommon term; user name; a last name, likely Italian; Talice Radicati Hotel and Residence in Acqui Terme, Italy is a 15th century house; character name; a feminine first name)
This word has been revised. The new word for "flower" is "talis". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been revised. The new word for "flower" is "talis". This posting is no longer current.
platinum is zenage
zenage = platinum (Lhaesine pronunciation = ZEH-nayg) (metal) (some things Google found for "zenage": a rare term; "Zen Age" sells Zen brand of Italian hiking or walking shoes; Roman city of Sanisera on island of Minorca, Spain, which is modern port city of Sanitja, has also been called Zenage on some maps; a last name; user name)
02 February 2006
woman is caen (revisited)
caen = woman (Lhaesine pronunciation = KAWN) (some things Google found for "caen": a very common term; Caen is a city in northwestern France, Basse-Normandie (Lower Normandy) région, and is is known for historical buildings built in the time of William the Conqueror, who was buried here, and for the hammering it took during the WWII Battle of Normandy in 1944; CAEN, CAEN S.p.A. Costruzioni Apparecchiature Elettroniche Nucleari, of Italy is a technology firm that sells tools for nuclear physics, aerospace, and microelectronics; a last name, notably columnist Herb Caen; Camp CAEN, University of Michigan Computer Camp, and CAEN stands for Computer Aided Engineering Network; Caen Hill Locks, flight of 16 locks on Kennet & Avon Canal in Devizes, Wiltshire, England; Caen Engineering, Inc. of California manufactures peripheral storage enclosures; means "ten" in Sindarin; means "coating, peel, surface" in Welsh; also a place or geographic feature in Spain)
Simplified this word to one syllable. My previous word for woman was "cina"
Simplified this word to one syllable. My previous word for woman was "cina"
sorcery is soixha
soixha = sorcery (Lhaesine pronunciation = SOYKS-huh) (unique term in Google)
I considered using "soixa", which is a rare term in Google, but search found for it multiple instances of "soixante", which means "sixty" in French.
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "sorcery" is now "soixar". This posting is no longer current.
I considered using "soixa", which is a rare term in Google, but search found for it multiple instances of "soixante", which means "sixty" in French.
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "sorcery" is now "soixar". This posting is no longer current.
01 February 2006
it (inanimate, subject) is wa
wa = it (inanimate) (Lhaesine pronunciation = WUH) (pronoun) (personal subject pronoun) (some things Google found for "wa": a very common term; WA stands for Washington State; WA stands for Western Australia; part of a Korean name; means "and, from" in Ainu; means "dig" in Chinese (Transliterated); means "king" in Creole; means "which, who, that" in Frisian; means "those" in Kurdish (Transliterated); means "be, become" in Swahili; means "fox, vixen" in Tibetan (Transliterated); means "unlocked" in Urdu (Transliterated); means "of" in Zulu; means various things in numerous less common languages)
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "it (inanimate)" is now "ob". This posting is no longer current.
This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "it (inanimate)" is now "ob". This posting is no longer current.
purple is toisa (revisited)
toisa = purple (Lhaesine pronunciation = TOY-suh) (adjective) (color) (some things Google found for "toisa": an uncommon term; a type of TESSA (Tax Exempt Special Savings Account) in UK, TOISA is a TESSA only ISA (Individual Savings Account); Toisa is first part of name of various offshore support or supply vessels; user name; Toisa Limited is a Bermuda shipping corporation; Toisa - Sealion Shipping in UK; a place or geographic feature in Papua New Guinea)
Changed the first letter on this word, and dropped a letter. Previous word for purple was "soisha".
This word has been revised again. The word for "purple" is now "toizas". This posting is no longer current.
Changed the first letter on this word, and dropped a letter. Previous word for purple was "soisha".
This word has been revised again. The word for "purple" is now "toizas". This posting is no longer current.
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