04 May 2006

earth is uel (redone)

uel = earth (Lhaesine pronunciation = UL) (noun) (some things Google found for "uel": a very common term; UEL stands for University of East London in UK; UEL is Urban Environment League of Greater Miami; UEL is United Empire Loyalist Association of Canada, about those who fought on the British side in the American Revolution; UEL is Universidade Estadual de Londrina of Brazil; UEL is Urban Exploration London of Ontario Canada; a masculine first name notably baseball player Uel Eubanks, can be short name for Samuel; Urban Environmental Laboratory at Brown University; UEL is Union des entreprises Luxembourgeoises in Luxembourg; place Uel Dinc in Somalia; a user name; minor biblical name (Ezra 10:34); means "they" in Eldar language of space elves in Warhammer 40K)

This word has been revised. The Lhaesine word for "earth" is now "uld". This posting is no longer current.

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